Monday, July 2, 2012

Welcome Fitheads!

Welcome to Cor's Fitness blog
We are a totally awesome health, fitness and social club in New Port Richey, Florida. It's so nice to see all these healthy shining faces (from sweating) today! Maybe we don't say it enough but we genuinely love our members and those of you who aren't members but love learning about your health. Kudos!

That's why we decided we'd start this blog. Maybe Facebooking isn't enough for all of you, it's certainly not for us! We are always trying to think of new way to inform you of the most awesome fitness information. A lot of information can become lost and you might miss out on some awesome stuff we post. That being said, we plan on posting things on here specifically for you. Weight loss tips, healthy recipes, fitness advice, info on how to get the most out of your workouts and even the occasional content from our monthly Cor newsletter. Stay tuned, Fitheads, we have a long, awesome, healthy road ahead of us and we hope you plan on pacing yourself with us down this road, because we plan on taking the scenic route!

Have a Fittastic day! 

Don't forget to friend us on Facebook, just in case you wanna chit chat with us (or lurk on our awesome fit tips)   :]

-Casey, Cor Fitness

(Oh yeah, since we like you so much we thought we'd let you print this out and try us for free! Whoop!)

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