Friday, August 3, 2012

Want Regular Workout & Health Tips?

Want Regular Workout & Health Tips?

Well, we've got just the page for you! This young athlete pictured below, Tanner Abbott, created a specific type of Facebook Page just for Workout & Health Tips, and we definitely like the message he's sending out. We asked Tanner to fill us in on why he decided to create such a page at such a young age and this is what he had to say,
"I became interested in health and nutrition when I started wrestling my freshman year at Gulf High School. I realized how important it is to eat healthy when I started wrestling. I started reading about health and fitness to help me become a better wrestler. This has led me wanting to help people eat healthy. I was interested for a long time in starting a Facebook page about Health and Fitness but just never did it. Finally I realized that I wanted to encourage people in the community and all over the world (That's the reason I used Facebook) to eat healthy. A lot of people don't have the motivation to get off their couch and go for a walk, or even a jog. There are many benefits to working out and eating healthy and a lot of people don't realize that. 
This Facebook page on Workout & Health Tips will encourage and help people to become healthy. This page will also provide simple tips to working out. My goal is to get more people eating right and getting in shape. America's obesity rate is higher than it ever has been and we need to change that."
Kudos, Tanner. We agree 100% and you can find Tanner's page through our Facebook and we frequently "share" posts from his page onto ours. We're glad Tanner is among one of the many future leaders of our country! Check out his page and give him the "likes" he deserves by following this link: 

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